Category: News

Trump Says He’ll Speak To All 50 Governors And Will Be ‘authorizing’ Reopenings. States Disagree On His Role

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump embraced a less confrontational tone with the nation’s governors Tuesday, asserting he wouldn’t “force” states to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic a day after he claimed he had “absolute authority” to do so.

Coronavirus: Older people being ‘airbrushed’ out of virus figures

Many older people are being “airbrushed” out of coronavirus figures in the UK, charities have warned.

Trump talks about reopening US amid coronavirus fight after virus takes toll on economy, way of life

The president was apparently referring to the dramatic steps that the U.S. and other countries around the world were taking to defend their citizens against the new coronavirus.

Mississippi doctor uses garden hose, lamp timer and electronic valve to create makeshift ventilators

JACKSON, Miss. — As states across the country beg for ventilators to help patients suffering with respiratory issues from COVID-19, the University of Mississippi Medical Center is building its own makeshift ventilators with supplies found at a hardware store.

Auto insurers including Allstate, Geico to give back millions as coronavirus keeps drivers off roads

Auto insurance companies including Allstate, Geico, and Liberty Mutual said they will give policyholders millions of dollars back because Americans are driving less during the coronavirus pandemic.