Tag: Donald Trump
When the President’s own medical advisers refuse to correct his misleading claim, the coronavirus trust gap grows
On Saturday night, President Donald Trump made the dangerously inaccurate claim that 99% of coronavirus cases are “totally harmless.” On Sunday morning, one of his top health experts failed to correct the assertion, a stunning breakdown of the government’s core duty to keep Americans safe and protect the public health.
Trump refuses to lead as pandemic worsens and allies desert him on masks
Most Presidents would try to stop the United States from barreling toward disaster. But Donald Trump has nothing to say and no answers to mitigate a calamity unfolding on his watch that he seems resolved to ignore.
Disagreement Is Good for Democracy
WHILE UNITY SEEMED TO be the buzzword leading up to the inauguration of President Donald Trump, his first week and a half in office has been rocky at best.
Trump Raises Money for 2020
PRESIDENT Donald Trump blasted the news media again Wednesday night, telling supporters that mainstream journalists want to undermine his administration.
GOP aghast as Trump’s polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric: ‘It’s been a bad couple weeks’
July 6, 2020
Hubert Boles
President Donald Trump is doubling down on a strategy he believes worked to his advantage four years ago: seizing on divisive culture wars and using race-baiting rhetoric as he seeks to fire up his base to give him a second term in office. His GOP allies on Capitol Hill are looking on with alarm.
Donald TrumpGOP